数据通常以表格格式存储。几个研究领域(例如,生物医学,断层/欺诈检测),容易出现不平衡的表格数据。由于阶级失衡,对此类数据的监督机器学习通常很困难,从而进一步增加了挑战。合成数据生成,即过采样是一种用于提高分类器性能的常见补救措施。最先进的线性插值方法,例如洛拉斯和普罗拉斯,可用于从少数族裔类的凸空间中生成合成样本,以在这种情况下提高分类器的性能。生成的对抗网络(GAN)是合成样本生成的常见深度学习方法。尽管GAN被广泛用于合成图像生成,但在不平衡分类的情况下,它们在表格数据上的范围没有充分探索。在本文中,我们表明,与线性插值方法相比,现有的深层生成模型的性能较差,该方法从少数族裔类的凸空间中生成合成样本,对于小规模的表格数据集中的分类问题不平衡。我们提出了一个深厚的生成模型,将凸出空间学习和深层生成模型的思想结合在一起。 Convgen了解了少数族类样品的凸组合的系数,因此合成数据与多数类的不同。我们证明,与现有的深层生成模型相比,我们提出的模型Convgen在与现有的线性插值方法相当的同时,改善了此类小数据集的不平衡分类。此外,我们讨论了如何将模型用于一般的综合表格数据生成,甚至超出了数据不平衡的范围,从而提高了凸空间学习的整体适用性。
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Lifelong learning aims to create AI systems that continuously and incrementally learn during a lifetime, similar to biological learning. Attempts so far have met problems, including catastrophic forgetting, interference among tasks, and the inability to exploit previous knowledge. While considerable research has focused on learning multiple input distributions, typically in classification, lifelong reinforcement learning (LRL) must also deal with variations in the state and transition distributions, and in the reward functions. Modulating masks, recently developed for classification, are particularly suitable to deal with such a large spectrum of task variations. In this paper, we adapted modulating masks to work with deep LRL, specifically PPO and IMPALA agents. The comparison with LRL baselines in both discrete and continuous RL tasks shows competitive performance. We further investigated the use of a linear combination of previously learned masks to exploit previous knowledge when learning new tasks: not only is learning faster, the algorithm solves tasks that we could not otherwise solve from scratch due to extremely sparse rewards. The results suggest that RL with modulating masks is a promising approach to lifelong learning, to the composition of knowledge to learn increasingly complex tasks, and to knowledge reuse for efficient and faster learning.
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We consider the stochastic linear contextual bandit problem with high-dimensional features. We analyze the Thompson sampling (TS) algorithm, using special classes of sparsity-inducing priors (e.g. spike-and-slab) to model the unknown parameter, and provide a nearly optimal upper bound on the expected cumulative regret. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides theoretical guarantees of Thompson sampling in high dimensional and sparse contextual bandits. For faster computation, we use spike-and-slab prior to model the unknown parameter and variational inference instead of MCMC to approximate the posterior distribution. Extensive simulations demonstrate improved performance of our proposed algorithm over existing ones.
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长尾数据集(Head Class)组成的培训样本比尾巴类别多得多,这会导致识别模型对头等舱有偏见。加权损失是缓解此问题的最受欢迎的方法之一,最近的一项工作表明,班级难度可能比常规使用的类频率更好地决定了权重的分布。在先前的工作中使用了一种启发式公式来量化难度,但是我们从经验上发现,最佳公式取决于数据集的特征。因此,我们提出了困难网络,该难题学习在元学习框架中使用模型的性能来预测类的难度。为了使其在其他班级的背景下学习班级的合理难度,我们新介绍了两个关键概念,即相对难度和驾驶员损失。前者有助于困难网络在计算班级难度时考虑其他课程,而后者对于将学习指向有意义的方向是必不可少的。对流行的长尾数据集进行了广泛的实验证明了该方法的有效性,并且在多个长尾数据集上实现了最先进的性能。
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与其他类别(称为少数族裔或尾巴类)相比,很少的类或类别(称为多数或头等类别的类别)具有更高的数据样本数量,在现实世界中,长尾数据集经常遇到。在此类数据集上培训深层神经网络会给质量级别带来偏见。到目前为止,研究人员提出了多种加权损失和数据重新采样技术,以减少偏见。但是,大多数此类技术都认为,尾巴类始终是最难学习的类,因此需要更多的重量或注意力。在这里,我们认为该假设可能并不总是成立的。因此,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,可以在模型的训练阶段动态测量每个类别的瞬时难度。此外,我们使用每个班级的难度度量来设计一种新型的加权损失技术,称为“基于阶级难度的加权(CDB-W)损失”和一种新型的数据采样技术,称为“基于类别难度的采样)(CDB-S )'。为了验证CDB方法的广泛可用性,我们对多个任务进行了广泛的实验,例如图像分类,对象检测,实例分割和视频操作分类。结果验证了CDB-W损失和CDB-S可以在许多类似于现实世界中用例的类别不平衡数据集(例如Imagenet-LT,LVIS和EGTEA)上实现最先进的结果。
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基于中心的聚类算法的最新进展通过隐式退火来打击贫穷的本地最小值,并使用一系列普遍的手段来打击。这些方法是劳埃德(Lloyd)著名的$ k $ -MEANS算法的变体,最适合于球形簇,例如由高斯数据引起的簇。在本文中,我们将这些算法的进步桥接为布雷格曼(Bregman)差异下的硬聚类的经典工作,这些工作享有指数级家庭分布的培养,因此非常适合由数据生成机制的广度引起的聚类对象。布雷格曼分歧的优雅特性使我们能够以简单透明的算法维护封闭的表单更新,此外,还引发了新的理论论点,以建立有限的样本范围,以放松在现有的艺术状态下做出的有限支持假设。此外,我们考虑对模拟实验进行彻底的经验分析和降雨数据的案例研究,发现所提出的方法在各种非高斯数据设置中都优于现有的同行方法。
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Convincing people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is a key societal challenge in the present times. As a first step towards this goal, many prior works have relied on social media analysis to understand the specific concerns that people have towards these vaccines, such as potential side-effects, ineffectiveness, political factors, and so on. Though there are datasets that broadly classify social media posts into Anti-vax and Pro-Vax labels, there is no dataset (to our knowledge) that labels social media posts according to the specific anti-vaccine concerns mentioned in the posts. In this paper, we have curated CAVES, the first large-scale dataset containing about 10k COVID-19 anti-vaccine tweets labelled into various specific anti-vaccine concerns in a multi-label setting. This is also the first multi-label classification dataset that provides explanations for each of the labels. Additionally, the dataset also provides class-wise summaries of all the tweets. We also perform preliminary experiments on the dataset and show that this is a very challenging dataset for multi-label explainable classification and tweet summarization, as is evident by the moderate scores achieved by some state-of-the-art models. Our dataset and codes are available at: https://github.com/sohampoddar26/caves-data
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在漂亮的广义框架下,过去的世纪已经广泛研究了线性预测问题。强大的统计文献中的最新进展允许我们通过手工(MOM)中位数的棱镜分析古典线性模型的强大版本。以零碎的方式结合这些方法可能导致临时程序,以及限制每个个人捐款的受限制理论结论可能不再有效。为了完全应对这些挑战,在这项研究中,我们提供了一个统一的强大框架,包括在希尔伯特空间上具有广泛的线性预测问题,与通用丢失功能相结合。值得注意的是,我们不需要对偏远数据点的分布($ \ mathcal {o} $)的任何假设,也不需要依赖于依赖的支持的紧凑性($ \ mathcal {i} $)。在双规范的温和条件下,我们展示了用于拼盘级别$ \ epsilon $,这些估算器达到$ O(\ max \ left \ {| \ mathcal {o} | ^ {1/2} n ^ {-1/2},| \ mathcal {i} | ^ {1/2} n ^ {-1} n ^ { - 1} \ rick \} + \ epsilon)$,匹配文献中最着名的速率。此速率比$ O的经典速率略慢(n ^ { - 1/2})$,表明我们需要在错误率方面支付价格以获得强大的估计。此外,我们表明,在额外的假设下,可以提高该速率以实现所​​谓的“快速速率”。
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